Chen Style Taijiquan Academy 陳式太極拳學院

2024 One-Week Intensive Taijiquan Workshop太極拳一週訓練班

Chen Style Taijiquan Academy proudly presents its 21st annual one-week intensive Taijiquan workshop by Master Peter Wu. It will be a great opportunity for you to enhance your skills and enrich your understanding and appreciation of authentic Taijiquan.  Our aim each year is for you to explore both the Principles and Martial Aspect of Taijiquan. The structure of each course is based on these objectives, and is directed to raise your understanding and Taijiquan skills to a higher level.

There is a saying “Without the Taiji principles and the martial applications, there is no Taijiquan”.  I invite everyone to take part, beginners as well as advanced practitioners. Please ask your friends to join you. We promise that this workshop will provide you and your friends with a great week of invaluable experience as well as raising your Taijiquan skills to entirely new levels! We are looking forward to seeing you in the workshop. Don’t miss this great opportunity to enhance your skills and enrich your understanding and appreciation of authentic traditional Taijiquan.

Best Regards,
Peter Wu

For more information, please see the workshop brochure here:  Master Peter Wu January 2024 Workshop brochure